3 Advantages of Using a Toner

Cleansing, toning and moisturizing are known to be the three key elements of a comprehensive skincare routine. However, a lot of times, in the busy modern world, people tend to put more focus on the cleansing and moisturizing aspects of skincare, and do not use a toner every day.  But so should not be the case. Toners are often loaded with vital antioxidants and skin-replenishing ingredients that can provide orderly nourishment to the skin cells.

Usage of a Toner

Face toners are typically an in-between skin-care element. They are used after washing the face with a cleanser, and before applying a moisturizer to it. Toners were designed originally to rebalance the skin tone after washing it with a cleanser. Some premium quality of toners can act as the best makeup removal solution, as they often help in wiping off the residual makeup left on the face after the cleansing routine.

Here are some of the key benefits of using a toner:
  • Shrinks Pores: Applying a little amount of toner on a soft cotton pad or a ball, and gently blotting and wiping the face with its help can help in removing the excess oil from the skin, as well as provide it with an appearance of smaller pores.
  • Restores your Skin's pH Balance: The human skin is naturally acidic, and ideally has a pH balance that ranges between five and six. However, there may be disruption in this balance subsequent to the cleansing procedure of the skin, due to the alkaline nature of some cleansers or soaps. In this scenario, the skin may be required to work overtime to return back to its usual pH levels. Toners can be quite helpful in enabling the skin to restore this balance.  
  • Adds a Layer of Protection: Toners can efficiently close the skin pores, as well as tighten cell gaps after the cleansing of skin, thereby minimalizing the chances of penetration of impurities or any environmental contaminants into the skin.  Toners can also protect the skin from harmful contaminates present in tap water.
One can easily purchase the best toner for dry or oily skin from the website of any renowned brands specializing in beauty products. 


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